Disaster Medicine Symposium: Trauma Response in Health Care Workers

Join Our Disaster Medicine Team for a symposium: Trauma Response in Health Care Workers: Lessons Shared from the Home Front to the Battle Front, on February 3. The symposium is free and open to all interested clinicians.

This symposium will provide academic instruction and personal reflections to assist attendees in preparing for and appropriately managing the psycho-social impact of disaster response. Six presenters with combat and/or other crisis response experiences will provide personal lectures that will address the following topics:

• Identification and mitigation of adverse psycho-social responses for disaster medicine workers.

• Managing challenging leadership scenarios in the disaster response setting

• Mental health and wellness for combat veterans.

• Exploring the mental health challenges associated with disaster and prehospital response.

Finally, the presenters will participate in a panel discussion, sharing personal insights and addressing participants’ questions.

View the program and learn how to connect.


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