BIDMC Emergency Ultrasound Division To Deliver POCUS Workshop in Sint Maarten
Dr. Beatrice Hoffmann, MD, PhD, RDMS, Director, BIDMC Emergency Ultrasound Division, is leading an emergency ultrasound CME course in Sint Maarten, Caribbean on February 1-2, 2020, together with 4 senior ultrasound faculty. The CME course is 2-day workshop on practical emergency ultrasound techniques for emergency physicians, radiologists, and other hospitalists within the two island hospitals of Sint Maarten, Caribbean (Sint Maarten Medical Center and the Louis Constant Fleming Medical Center). The training course will consist of: 1) assigned pre-course lectures; and 2) hands-on education sessions using live models and ultrasound equipment. Topics such as FAST, eFAST, central lines, gallbladder, OB & ectopic pregnancy, nerve blocks, cardiac and aorta, and eye & orbit will be covered. The hands-on sessions will be led by Dr. Beatrice Hoffmann, MD, PhD, RDMS, and four fellowship-trained ultrasound faculty, all practicing emergency physicians at BIDMC, with faculty appointments at Harvard Medical School.