
Researcher, Center for Resuscitation Science, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Dr. Lars W. Andersen, PhD, is a physician/researcher from Denmark. He has been working with the Center for Resuscitation Science since January 2012. He graduated from his PhD program in October 2016 and has since worked with the group as an external collaborator. Lars received his MPH from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in March 2016 and has been a member of the Advanced Life Support Task Force at ILCOR since July 2016. Lars has been involved in the design and execution of multiple phase II clinical trials and has a special interest in large epidemiological studies and the statistical methods involved. He has primarily published within the fields of cardiac surgery, sepsis, and cardiac arrest and has more than 35 peer-reviewed publications including first-author publications in high-impact journals such as the BMJ and JAMA. Lars is a reviewer for multiple international journals including, among others, PLOS ONE, CHEST, and Intensive Care Medicine and is an editorial board member at Resuscitation. He is also a regularly statistical reviewer for JAMA.